Introduction to Wine Tasting

Introduction to Wine Tasting

Objective : trengthen ties between colleagues via a leisurely and instructive activity accessible to everyone

Minimum number of participants : 12

Duration : 2h

Budget : 75 euros /pers ExcVAT


A competent oenologist, a rigorous selection (6 wines) including the best rural wines from wine growers, close to natures. Let’s go and begin an initiation in wine tasting, learning the fundamental notions that make up the world of wines:

  • Basic principles of red and white wine vinification
  • Discussion of the principal wine making regions in France and Europe
  • Principal wine types
  • Tasting techniques
  • Initiation in tasting vocabulary


Welcome : 15 min

Discussion and tasting : 1h45

This activity is ideal in the morning or in the afternoon.

The price includes



Bread and «Tapas» tasting

Tasting sheet