Battle of the Chefs

Battle of the Chefs

Objective : to stimulate team competition, dynamism, and creativity

Meal : welcome drink, starters, main course, dessert

Minimum number of participants : 20

Duration : 3h30

Budget : 125 euros /pers Excl.VAT


The Battle of the Chefs is a genuine cooking competition during which two or more cooking teams face each other in order to :

  • Create multiple recipes
  • Prepare and serve the dishes for the entire team. Timing is a key factor and each team will be forced

Stages of the activity

The group is divided into teams, each team in charge of cooking, plating, and serving a complete multi-course menu. Each team designates a chef among the participants. The Mmmmh! chef(s) will provide a detailed briefing for all teams.

The menu creating and cooking begins under the supervision of one or more Mmmmh! chefs. After 1h30, each team must have prepared and served the first starter to be followed by the remaining courses, one after the other. Be on your toes because you never know when you may be caught off guard by a surprise challenge!

At the end of the meal, the chef gives a detailed debriefing of the activity.


Welcome, aperitif (wine, water, briefing) : 30 min

Cooking : 1h30

The meal : 1h

Debriefing : 30 min

The menu for this activity will be composed based on seasonal ingredients and the creativity of the brigades.

The price includes

Water, tea/coffee

Welcome drink : Cava

The Mmmmh! wine (1/2 bottle per person))

The meal

Lent apron